Oct 23, 2013

Gypsies first ethnic minority to be targeted race war

March 19, 2014: Train company investigates announcement warning passengers to 'be aware of pickpockets and gypsies' before disembarking.

Reminder of Last Prophet's words from Oct 23, 2013:
Gypsies selected as the first ethnic minority to be targeted in preliminaries for the coming supervised race war "WHITES v NON-WHITES".

First act in France, mix and expell, September 2013.
Minister Valls puts on the same bag 
- the more than 100,000 law abiding gypsies who live for centuries in France;
- the 20,000 romanian gypsies charred into France by the illuminati under the cover of "open borders", many of them notorious as pickpockets.
On the fly Valls calls for the expulsion of gypsies (1).

Second act, the series "blonde girl seized from gypsy family", October 2013
As the first act starts in Greece, poster asks:
"How many children are going to be found before folks start showing up with torches and pitchforks?"

Illuminati don't waste time. Days later: "Irish Seize Blonde Girl From Romanian Gypsies".
But after the premiere in Greece they won't bother using a real child to play the "missing child" role in the following episodes of the same series.

(1) 25 September 2013 - French minister Valls defends call for Roma expulsions

(3) Oct 23, 2013 - As predictedby Last Prophet in "Illuminati use ONLY one child actress, in the FIRST episode, in GREECE":
The photo of the one and only child required for the whole series is also used to illustrate the second episode, in Ireland.

It takes ONE second to get that "Mysterious blond blue-eyed Maria abducted by evil Gypsies" is TOTALLY staged - Illuminati openly tell it
Looking at any of "mystery Mary"'s photos or videos served by the illuminati media is enough to expose the hoax, as expected from the Laws of End Time Reductionism.
Illuminati deliberately show a totally untanned girl although the premiere for this theater act takes place in October in Greece, after the long hot summer.
The goal is to fulfill one of illuminati religion's commandments: tell the TRUTH openly to the cattle in its perfect form: IMMEDIATELY.

Blond blue eyed Girl Mary abducted by evil Gypsies in Greece part of setting the stage for the coming supervised race war in the IV Reich.
In this case for gypsies, the first to be targeted.
Same as "Aaron Alexis" for blacks or "China owns you" for chinese.

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